
Herbal Medicines

Home Innovation Herbal Medicines

Herbal Medicines

We define as herbal medicines the drug products of plant origin elaborated with standardized extracts. A herbal medicine is elaborated through a complex chemical process, aiming to concentrate active principles of the plant in one extract. Chemical standardization assures the level of active principles to obtain a pharmacological activity.

Bioprospera® is one of Aché’s main innovation platforms. Its objective is to discover and develop innovative medicines from natural sources, especially from the Brazilian biodiversity, which is the largest and most diverse in the world. Following Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) principles, the platform is structured to be sustainable in order to deliver not only treatment and financial results, but also to share benefits that promote
environmental conservation and social development, so creating value from Brazilian biodiversity.

Brazil has approximately 22% of the planet’s plant biodiversity, in addition to rich ethno-botanical knowledge. The platform uses two approaches for discovering active natural molecules and extracts: (i) Ethnopharmacology, which reveals the pharmacological and toxicological effects of medicinal plants through the application of systematic bioanalytical techniques; and (ii) Bioprospecting, which begins with expeditions and the collection of samples from different biomes.

Aché has partnerships with Phytobios and the National Research Center for Energy and Materials (CNPEM), where the 4th generation particle accelerator (Sirius) is being used to head up bioprospecting. This scientific equipment is the largest in Brazil and one of the largest in the world and is extremely important for characterizing natural bioactive molecules.